happy new board
Bestfriendshipsaretheonesthatdon’tfadeawaynomatterwhat.Theygrowoldandmakelifeworthlivingwhenthingsgo… details>>
OntheoccasionoftheNewYear,mayIextendtoyouandyoursourwarmestgreetings,wishingyouahappyNewYear,yourcar… details>>
Asthegoldensnakedancesawayfromtheoldyear,andauspiciouscloudsgathertowelcomethenewyear.Ontheoccasiono… details>>
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Gantry Main Sill Welding Machine
Tire Testing Machine
Chain Type Turnover Machine
Suspension Production Line
The semi-trailer chassis intelligent production line
New type of girder welding production line
Automatic axle welding machine
Gantry Main Sill Welding Machine
Axle Base Plate Welding Machine
Cantilever bottom plate automatic welding machine

Tel: 0086 0537 7768277
Fax: 0086 0537 7768077
Mobile: 0086 159 0547 0098
Email: shuipocom@163.com
Add: Industrial Park(NO.16,National highway 220),Quanpu Town, Liangshan County, Jining City, Shandong Province, China.
Post code: 272613